All Ears


Talk about your day

Share your concerns

Share your dreams

Talk about your fears

For generations we are taught while growing up, not to express our emotions, especially negative ones. We are taught to keep feelings private or to ignore them and they will go away. However, if we hold in our feelings then they will manifest in other areas. In some cases, they can manifest as depression or anxiety. To acknowledge our feelings, whether they are positive or negative is the first step in learning how to handle those feelings.

It is important to work through challenging feelings and emotions by talking them out with a trained professional. At times you may not want any advice or opinion, just thinking out loud can automatically present answers to seemingly difficult problems.

The all-ears program can help you get clarity on your issues and can certainly help you in taking steps in the right direction. It is the therapeutic relationship that serves as a healing factor and an important agent for change.

The all-ears session can help a person deal with a wide spectrum of issues, including:

• Depression

• Work stress

• Loneliness

• Anxiety

• Eating disorders

• Anger management

• Phobias

• Break up and separation

• Grief

Many a times you may not want any advice or opinion, just thinking out loud can automatically present answers to seemingly difficult problems!