Couple Counseling

Every successful marriage is the result of two people working diligently and skilfully to cultivate their love.

Premarital counselling helps couples prepare for marriage.

Be it arranged marriage or love marriage it involves a long list of changes that both partners would need to incorporate in their daily lives. There are important areas which need to be addressed at the right time. Openly communicating certain expectations, insecurities and areas of concern with your partner and parents with the help of a counsellor is a positive start to a new life rather than brushing it under the carpet.

The counsellor helps them identify each other’s expectations from their partner and from the marriage and address any significant differences they might have. She also helps identify potential areas of conflict in their relationship so that they can prevent small issues from escalating into serious concerns at some point in the future.

Couples premarital counselling assists the couple to understand

• how family-of-origin and cultural beliefs affect how the partners understand all the relationships in their lives. It also affects day-to-day behaviours, such as eating, working, and managing money.

• how and why effective communication is one of the most important factors in a healthy relationship.

• the strengths in the relationship as a whole and in each individual partner.

The counselling sessions involve discussion on following areas:

1. Communication

2. Beliefs & values

3. Marriage Roles

4. Affection, intimacy and sex

5. Children and parenting

6. Family relationships

7. Decision making

8. Finances

9. Conflict resolution

10. Preparing for bad days

11. Quality time together

12. Privacy and Space

Many a times you may not want any advice or opinion, just thinking out loud can automatically present answers to seemingly difficult problems!